Saturday, April 25, 2020

JEE Main 2020: How to prepare for exam amid coronavirus lockdown

Aspirants have an extended preparation time available, which can be put to effective utilisation. Students must stay positive and need to focus on revision and analysing their weaknesses.

By : R L Trikha  | EDUCATION | Apr 24, 2020  

Amid the COVID pandemic, the Nation is under lockdown, which has been extended till 3rd May. The second session of JEE Main (April Session) which were scheduled to be conducted from 5th April to 11th April 2020 has been postponed until further notice. Aspirants have an extended preparation time available, which can be put to effective utilisation. Students must stay positive and need to focus on revision and analysing their weaknesses.

As per the previous schedule, most of the aspirants must have gone through the complete syllabus and must be in revision mode now. While the whole Nation is under lockdown, and social distancing seems to be the only effective control method right now, there is an urgent need to deal positively with this crisis. The need of the hour is to utilize the extra time productively and effectively with plan in place to make the best of it.

1) Make a viable schedule - this phase should be effectively utilised for quick run through short notes and formulae and concepts at a glance of all chapters of the three subjects in a phased planned manner with equal time to each subject. The idea is to strengthen the concepts and their application by solving mock tests and past papers. Learning as against mugging is the rule of the game.

2) Consult Online Classes - Online platforms are available that provide a virtual classroom ambience with complete notes, expert opinions, online classes, mock tests, etc. for best student preparation. One such portal is myPAT, powered by FIITJEE that allows them to learn by staying in the safety and security of their homes and ensure better learning outcomes, save time and increase the effective utilisation of time.

3) Follow Three Tier Revision - The stage has arrived where revision is the most important aspect of the preparation process and the best way to tackle the challenge is to have a well-structured and organized revision strategy. Three Tier Revision method suggests that students should first revise the topic on the same day, then after 3 days and then revise the same topic at the end of the week. This way, you will be able to get strong hold on topics and subjects which stay in your memory for longer period. If you revise a topic the same day when you study it, you find it easy to revise and grab; while on the other hand if you revise that topics after few days of studying it, it becomes difficult to understand and revise and consume more time.

“Study and application of Important Formulae: It is important to peruse and conceptually apply formulae in JEE Mains type questions even at the time of revision. This will help you in solving the questions within a short time in the exam. As most of the questions in Physics/ Mathematics will be based on conceptual application of formulae.

4) Take regular Mock tests- Mock tests play an important role in making familiar with strong and weak areas. To test and analyse your preparation, students are advised to take mock tests.

5) Stay motivated & Take regular breaks to relax - Do not sit for long hours at a stretch, but instead take small and frequent breaks at least after one to one and half hour(s) of focussed revision. These intervals are essential for the brain to assimilate, retrieve information and revive the energy, making you ready for the next sessions. There may be many distractions and thoughts running concurrently. Maintain calm and stay focussed with determination.

After analysing the mistakes, doubts, wrong attempts and weak areas from the round 1 of JEE Main, aspirants need to work on those areas more and more, without wasting time. This time should generally be made use of in consolidating one’s preparation, focusing on problem solving and overcoming the weaker areas in preparation. This extra time must be wisely utilised to perfect the ability to solve problems with a deep perception of concept involved, improving the time needed to solve the given problem, identifying the weak spots and correcting them. By taking regular mock tests and solving of past papers

Speed and accuracy must be increased.

Right Strategy and Time Management play a vital role in deciding the rank for an aspirant. The remaining weeks should be wisely used for revision, increasing speed and accuracy to solve problems,

Finally, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. So, put in your best performance and you will ace JEE Main 2020.

(Author R L Trikha is Director, FIITJEE Group. Views expressed here are personal)

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