Now, Artificial Intelligence, design
thinking part of CBSE class 11 syllabus
The board has introduced courses on
Artificial Intelligence, Design-thinking, Physical Activity Trainer at class 11
from the session 2020-21 onward
By: Education Desk | New Delhi |
Published: April 7, 2020
CBSE has introduced courses on Artificial
Intelligence. From this academic year, schools affiliated to Central Board of
Secondary Education (CBSE) will teach Artificial Intelligence (AI), design thinking,
physical activity trainer as part of skill courses. These courses will be
available from class 11 onward. CBSE already offers 17 skill subjects at
secondary level and 37 skill Subjects at senior Secondary level.
Claiming that a broad-based education is
necessary for students to thrive in fast-changing world, CBSE said that the
gap-between curricular and extra-curricular needs to be filled. “Mainstreaming
all forms of learning and skills will integrate not just hands-on skilling
component but also theoretical knowledge, attitudes and mindsent, and sofst
ksills that are required for particialr occupation,” the board said in an
official curriculum.
Recently, CBSE also introduced ‘applied
mathematics’ for students in class 11and 12. This teaches about use and
application of math beyond science. It is also available for students who have
opted for basic math in class 10. All these courses will be available to
students from coming academic year 2021 onward.
These courses have been introduced as
skill subjects. As per the rule, if any student fails in any one of the three
elective subjects — science, mathematics and social science — then it will be
replaced by the skill subject or the sixth subject and result of class 10 will
be computed based on best five subjects. For class 12, these subjects are
offered as electives.
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