From Swayam to Diksha: Are govt learning
portals enough for aspiring India?
Take a look at some of the initiatives
taken by the government to strengthen the education system.
India Today Web Desk | New Delhi | April
22, 2020
From SWAYAM to Diksha portal, 5
initiatives taken by the government to strengthen India's education sector (
Image source:
From SWAYAM to Diksha portal, 5
initiatives taken by the government to strengthen India's education sector (
Image source:
During the yesteryears, India has taken a
slew of measures to improve the quality of education. It is building relevant
capacities, enhancing the pedagogical training across institutions,
spearheading national and international collaborations. This is over and above
introducing a more effective, comprehensive, and pertinent curriculum for
students. Apparently, the nation is taking all the right steps on the education
So, let us have a look at some of them:
1. Institutes of Eminence (IoE):
Despite being the home to the world's
second-largest population and as the fifth-largest economy, only 6 Indian
institutions are ranked under 500 in 'The World University Ranking'. Further,
no Indian institute emerges in the below-300 segment. In order to change this
scenario, the Government of India launched IoE scheme back in 2016. It was
followed by setting up of guidelines and regulation alongside a high-powered
EEC (Empowered Expert Committee). The vision is to support 10 public and
private institutes with superior autonomy (both administratively and
academically) to boost quality teaching, research, and global ratings. To date,
16 out 20 Institutes of Eminence have been recognised by the UGC.
2. DIKSHA Portal:
The Indian Government is further
empowering teachers with digital technology. In 2017, it launched DIKSHA portal
to serve as a dedicated national digital infrastructure for teachers. The platform
will enable teachers to create training content, in-class resources, profiles,
assessment aids, and connect with other teachers more seamlessly. The DIKSHA
portal can be used by both public and private institutions as per their unique
goals, needs, and capabilities required for teacher training.
3. Study Webs of Active learning for Young
Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM):
Launched in 2014, SWAYAM (Study Webs of
Active learning for Young Aspiring Minds) envisions extending best-quality
education to over 3 crore students in India. The platform has been developed by
the Ministry of HRD in collaboration with IIT Madras, NPTEL, and Google. It
includes various training courses by AICTE, UGC, NCERT, NPTEL, CEC, IGNOU,
NIOS, NITTTR, and IIM-Bombay. All training courses are free of cost on SWAYAM.
The reach of SWAYAM further gets amplified via 32 SWAYAM Prabha DTH channels,
especially amongst less-digitized regions.
4. Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan:
Another good initiative taken by
government has been Rashtriya Aavishkar Aabhiyan. The initiative was launched
back in 2015 to promote innovation excellence in science, mathematics, and
technology within the age group of 6 to 18 years. It intends to achieve the
overarching objectives via observation, experimentation, inference drawing,
model building, rational reasoning, etc. The mission holds higher value
considering the importance of these fields in our ever-growing digital
infrastructure and advanced science.
5. AIIMS and IIT
Apart from Institutes of Eminence, India
has simultaneously built capacity of its premier institutes like IIT and AIIMS
alongside others. Since 2014, 13 new AIIMS have been announced by the
government out of which, 7 have been established to date. The nation has also
seen induction of 6 new IITs, increasing their overall tally to 23.
Are these measures enough?
They are surely satisfactory considering
the sheer extent of the country. However, the global scenario is changing at a
very rapid pace. Advanced economies have deployed modern training solutions and
techniques such as smart classrooms since quite some time now and are
generating positive results. This is when the quality of education continues to
be a key challenge within the country. The nation has taken positive measures
like Right to Education to make education more inclusive. Still such
initiatives have faced challenges of their own as there is no effective measure
to gauge the ability of teachers and their training, especially amongst remote
Today, the nation needs to go beyond
conventional measures. It needs to ensure that the technological interventions
in education are fast-tracked and made more thorough. Perhaps, a good way to do
it is by targeting the most critical block of this development, i.e. teachers.
Advanced surveillance-driven solutions can be integrated, particularly within
schools in remote regions and colleges in tier II and III cities, to achieve a
higher educational quality. The government must also consider including
app-based interfaces to track the progress of students.
This might further pave the way for
transference of enhanced practices between Indian educational institutes. For
instance, the respective teachers could enjoy takeaways from teachers at
eminent institutes such as IITs, IIMs, and so on by leveraging these
surveillance-based solutions. It will naturally improve their pedagogical training
and hence, the quality of education.
These measures will turn out to be the
next logical step in India's educational journey. It's high time we make our
education system more advanced, thereby utilising our large base of youth
effectively. Otherwise, it might get too late and India will be staring at a
lost opportunity.
Article by Abhishek Kumar, Regional
Director, Onvu Learning
Source :
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