Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Re-opening of schools, CBSE exams & results, university exams - Here's what HRD Minister said

By : Tulika Tandon | Jun 08, 2020

Union Human Resource Minister, Dr Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank has recently answered all the queries of students across India in an exclusive interview with TimesNow. The minister answered basic issues related to CBSE Board exams, University final year exams, reopening of schools, Governments plan for NEET, JEE etc. Watch the entire interview here.

The interview was conducted by the senior editor Megha Prasad. The interview by the end gave every student the answer to government’s plans and strategies regarding the education sector in India during the outbreak of a pandemic. The most important topics discussed that were discussed are listed below.

1.                 Board exam at home centres:
The minister said that since there is a problem in travelling and reaching the centres of CBSE Board, the students may inform their schools about their location which in turn would be informed to the Board by the school. Thus a child would not have to travel in this tensed atmosphere and reach the centres that are nearest to them to appear for the boards that are to be conducted in July. 

2.           Safety of students giving exams in July: 

When asked if it would be safe to conduct the exams in July as it would be the peak of COVID 19, the minister said that the government will see, observe and then continue the conduct of exams, As of now the Board dates have been decided from July 1 which would be conducted. The guidelines issued by MHA and health ministry would be followed very strictly by the Education ministry.

3.                 NCERT, UGC Taskforce in place:
The minister said that since the student population is more than 33 crore in India the UGC and NCERT task force is very helpful. Shifting to the online mode of teaching has been very fruitful in conducting classes as per the minister. He talked about Diksha, E Pathshala, SWAYAM, etc which are helpful platforms.

4.                 Reopening Schools:
The minister was asked about school reopening safety and social distancing issues. He said that it is quite evident that the parents would be worried about their wards but it would be primarily important for the students to be protected and study in a sanitized way for the government too. He is in talks with state education ministers regularly. The schools in the states would have to follow all guidelines issued by the MHA.

5.                      Entrance Exams delayed:
The students are under a lot of pressure on their entrance exams being delayed. The HRD Minister said the government is trying its best to ensure that the students do not lose a year over the pandemic and thus have decided to conduct entrance exams maintaining all social distancing norms at the centres. Although the number of students is high yet the authorities would maintain the safety of students at all times ad centres have been increased to deal with such problems.

6.                      Lack of resources:
The students of Jammu and Kashmir are specially facing internet issues as there are 2G services in the territory. The HRD Minister said that many classes over television and radio have been started by the government to cover this area and also the studnets have been provided with valuable learning through books and study materials. There has been no break as per him in the learning for the students of J-K.

Watch the entire interview to get exclusive details on all competitive exams, results, steps being taken by the Government and online classes issues faced by students. 

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