Friday, November 25, 2016

Mothers better at teaching math skills to children

Mothers better at teaching math skills to children

Astudy has found that young chil dren whose mothers supported them during play , specifically in their labelling of object quantities, had better math achievement at ages four and a half and five years. Early math knowledge is as important as early literacy for children's subsequent achievement. It can also predict later school success and income in adulthood.

Researchers developed ways to assess mothers' support of their children's math skills by examining how moms supported and guided their threeyear-olds' learning as they played with a toy cash register and blocks. The researchers applied their new assessments to previously videotaped 10minute free-play interactions between 140 economically and ethnically diverse mothers and children who were part of a longitudinal study .
Mothers supported their children's math skills in a variety of ways, helping them count objects, identify written numbers, or label the size of sets of objects. Children whose parents supported them in labelling quantities of small sets performed better on math tests in preschool than children whose parents didn't. These kids also did better on addi tion and subtraction problems.

“Many young children can count from 1 to 10 without understanding the meaning of the numbers they're counting,“ says Beth Casey , who led the study. “What may be particularly important at three is for parents to present their children with small groups of one, two, or three objects, and tell them how many objects there are -for example, by saying at the grocery store, `See, there are two apples in our bag. It's also important for them to encourage and help children label how many objects there are.

Source : Nov 25 2016 : The Times of India (NaviMumbai)

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