Monday, October 23, 2017

सटीक मूल्यांकन के लिए मार्च में ही बोर्ड परीक्षाएं पूरी करेगा सीबीएसई

Publish Date:Sun, 22 Oct 2017 08:34 PM (IST) | Updated Date:Sun, 22 Oct 2017 08:34 PM (IST)
सटीक मूल्यांकन के लिए मार्च में ही बोर्ड परीक्षाएं पूरी करेगा सीबीएसई
सटीक मूल्यांकन के लिए मार्च में ही बोर्ड परीक्षाएं पूरी करेगा सीबीएसई
जागरण संवाददाता, नई दिल्ली : केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) दसवीं व बारहवीं कक्षा क

केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) दसवीं व बारहवीं कक्षा की बोर्ड परीक्षाएं मार्च में ही खत्म करना चाहता है। सीबीएसई का मानना है कि दो पालियों में परीक्षा आयोजित कर दोनों कक्षाओं की बोर्ड परीक्षाएं मार्च में खत्म की जा सकती हैं। ऐसा होने से उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं का सटीक मूल्यांकन हो सकेगा। इस संबंध में सीबीएसई ने मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय को एक प्रस्ताव भेजा है।

बोर्ड परीक्षाओं की उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं के मूल्याकंन में बीते सत्र में गड़बड़ी सामने आई थी। इसके बाद सीबीएसई की मूल्यांकन प्रणाली की प्रमाणिकता पर सवाल उठने शुरू हो गए थे। ऐसी स्थिति से बचने के लिए सीबीएसई ने बोर्ड परीक्षाओं का समय सीमित करने की योजना तैयार की है। इसके तहत पूर्व में मार्च से शुरू होकर अप्रैल मध्य तक चलने वाली बोर्ड परीक्षाएं अब मार्च से शुरू हो कर उसी माह में खत्म हो जाएंगी। इससे बोर्ड के पास उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं का मूल्यांकन कराने के लिए एक महीने का अतिरिक्त समय रहेगा। दसवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए बोर्ड परीक्षा अनिवार्य होने से परीक्षाओं का प्रबंधन सीबीएसई के लिए चुनौती बन गया है। दरअसल, इससे बोर्ड परीक्षा में विद्यार्थियों की संख्या में जहां इजाफा होगा, वहीं परीक्षाओं की समयावधि भी सीमित होने जा रही है। इसके अलावा अन्य कक्षाओं की परीक्षाएं भी इसी दौरान आयोजित होनी हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में सीबीएसई को बोर्ड परीक्षाओं की समयसारिणी बनाने में कड़ी मशक्कत करनी पड़ रही है।


CBSE : फेल छात्र दे सकेंगे रेग्युलर एग्जाम

failed students can now give exams as regular candidate
CBSE : फेल छात्र दे सकेंगे रेग्युलर एग्जाम
सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षा में पिछले साल फेल हुए छात्रों को बोर्ड ने एक राहत दी है। सीबीएसई ने कहा है कि अगर कोई छात्र दसवीं और बारहवीं में फेल हो गया था, तो वह एक रेग्युलर स्टूडेंट के तौर पर दोबारा परीक्षा दे सकता है। वह चाहे तो अपने ही स्कूल में या बोर्ड से मान्यता प्राप्त किसी अन्य स्कूल में ऐडमिशन ले सकता है।

बोर्ड ने स्कूलों को नए निर्देश जारी करते हुए कहा, 'जो छात्र 2017 में दसवीं और बारहवीं में फेल हो गए थे वे रेग्युलर कैंडिडेट के रूप बोर्ड से मान्यता प्राप्त किसी भी स्कूल में फ्रेश ऐडमिशन ले सकते हैं।'


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

  • 9 Oct 2017 | Mumbai


It’s an assumption that all IIT aspirants come from larger cities to prepare for the entrance exam. Students come from rural parts of the country and this decision is affecting them technically and psychologically. PRAVEENTYAGI, founder and director, IITians PACE, a coaching institute.

One of the first competitive exams to see a massive change without prior notice was the Central government’s decision to replace CET with the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) for admissions to health science courses in 2016

Students were given less than three months to prepare for NEET (which was based on the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus) compared to the annual CET exam which was based on the state board syllabus

Chaos ensued and many medical and dental aspirants ended up skipping one year to take time off and prepare for NEET in 2017

On similar lines, earlier this year the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) had announced their decision to introduce a similar all-India level exam for engineering aspirants in order to do away with different CETs conducted by respective state Directorates of Technical Education (DTEs)

Although the decision is yet still to materialise, the Maharashtra government, in February, made it clear that MH-CET 2018 will be at par with the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). This means that the test will have similar questions in terms of quality as well as the difficulty level

Last week, Maharashtra DTE also made it clear through a circular that the MH-CET exam will include syllabus of class XI as well as XII of state board for the May 2018 exam

Henceforth, each section of the MH-CET paper (mathematics, physics & Chemistry and biology) will have 20% (10 questions) from class XI syllabus and 80% (40 questions) from class XII syllabus. All questions will be multiple choice questions.


Change in exam rules upsets students

Students rue giving JEE­Mains online, express unhappiness over limited time given to them to adapt to other changes

MUMBAI:This academic year has proven to be one of the toughest ones for Class 12 students, especially for those planning to appear for competitive examinations in 2018.

Be it the decision by Joint Admission Board (JAB) of the Indian Institutes of Technology to conduct Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)-Mains only online from the next year or the decision of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to take the difficulty-level of Common Entrance Test (CET) for engineering admissions on par with JEE, students said they trying to cope with these radical changes.
One of the common complaints from students has been the limited time given to adapt to these sudden and radical changes.

“The admission authority should know that any changes will be applicable only two years after their introduction, so that students get ample time to prepare themselves. We not only prepare for our Class 12 exams in these two years, but also for the various competitive exams,” said Natasha Borges, a Class 12 student.

The decision to do away with the pen-and-paper format for JEE-Mains came in August and took many by surprise. the change was introducted despite popularity of the pen-and-paper format among students. In 2016, hardly 10% of the 13.5 lakh students opted for the online format.

“My friends and I have been trying our hands on mock tests online and every time we do that, errors creep up owing to problems with the internet connection. Since the JEE has gone online, most of us are worried because there have been numerous instances wherein a student’s answer to questions has not been registered on the site owing to technical glitch and nothing can be done after you submit your paper,” said Supreeth Baliga, a class XII student of RIMS International Junior College, Andheri. ONE AFTER ANOTHER Just when students got their heads around the fact that MH-CET will now be on par with JEE in terms of quality as well as difficulty-level, the state Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) last week released the final syllabus and break-up of marks applicable for MH-CET in May 2018 — which includes 20% weightage for Class XI syllabus of state board.

“JEE is based on CBSE syllabus, whereas CET is based on state board syllabus. How can the two be at the same level when the syllabus itself is different? The DTE authorities have not made this clear, but are expecting us to be prepared for a difficult paper. That’s unfair,” said Sejal Shah, another Class 12 student.

9 Oct 2017 | Mumbai | Shreya Bhandary
Source :


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Last date to apply for Science Exhibition is October 20

Staff Reporter,
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) asked its affiliated schools to apply for the science exhibition 2017-18 at Regional and National levels before October 20.
This activity is being conducted aiming to provide a common platform to schools, teachers and students to shape to their innovative ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.
Last date for filling the online registration form is October 20. And the registration fee is Rs 650. Schools which are interested to take part in the exhibition can fill the form.

The regional level will be held in November and December. The national level will be conducted after completion of regional level. Themes for the Science Exhibition for 2017 – 18 are health and well–being, resource management and food security, waste management and water body conservation, transport and communication, digital and technological solutions and innovations for sustainable development.

Students may prepare a model on any sub–theme other than the six sub–themes but it should be in the context of the main theme of the exhibition that is ‘Science, Technology and Mathematics for Nation Building’. Some ideas that are new and may be applicable in future may also be presented in the form of presentations and discussions.

Sub themes are Health, Industry, Transport and Communication, Innovations in renewable resources for sustainable environment, Innovations in food production and food security and Mathematical solutions in everyday life.

The Board has been taking many initiatives to provide interactive, participatory, hands-on, innovative and creative learning experiences to students studying in its affiliated schools. One such initiative refers to the organization of Science Exhibition at Regional and National levels every year.

According to the board, these exhibitions also provide a medium for popularizing science and increasing awareness among stakeholders.
Taking into consideration the enthusiastic response from participating schools in the past, it has again been decided to organize Science exhibitions for the academic year 2016-17.

These exhibitions are likely to be organized in different parts of the country at regional level in the month of November and December in 2016 and at national level in the month of January and February in 2017.

Source: The Hitavada      Date: 04 Oct 2017 

Link :

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Gandhi Jayanti 2017: 10 Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi On Education

Gandhi Jayanti on October 2 is an occasion to remember the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi Jayanti 2017: 10 Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi On Education
Gandhi Jayanti 2017 On October 2: 10 Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi On Education

New Delhi:  The world celebrates Gandhi Jayanthi on October 2 every year. Gandhi Jayanti (the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi) is the occasion, when people come togethor to remember the man who was influential in shaping the modern world with his ideas and struggles. Mahatma Gandhi, as a philosopher of education, was ahead of time. Mahatma Gandhi had talked about everything related to education, from school to primary education to technical education to idea of university to importance of exercise in a students' life. Mahatma Gandhi's ideas have influenced Indian education system in its full strength.

In this Gandhi Jayanti, we gathered some of his major thoughts on education.

Gandhi Jayanti 2017: Mahatma Gandhi On Education

Gandhi Jayanti On October 2: Why Mahatma Gandhi's ideas on education is important

Mahatma Gandhi on School

"The school must be an extension of home. There must be concordance between the impressions which a child gathers at home and at school, if the best results are to be obtained".

Mahatma Gandhi on technical education

"I would revolutionize college education and relate it to national necessities. There would be degrees for mechanical and other engineers. They would be attached to the different industries which should pay for the training of the graduates they need".

Mahatma Gandhi on literacy vs education

"Literacy is not the end of education nor even the beginning. It is only one of the means whereby man and woman can be educated. Literacy in itself is no education. I would therefore begin the child's education by teaching it a useful handicraft and enabling it to produce from the moment it begins its training. Thus every school can be made self-supporting, the condition being that the State takes over the manufacture of these schools".

Mahatma Gandhi on primary education

"Then as to primary education, my confirmed opinion is that the commencement of training by teaching the alphabet and reading and writing hampers their intellectual growth. I would not teach them the alphabet till they have had an elementary knowledge of history, geography, mental arithmetic and the art (say) of spinning".

Mahatma Gandhi on 'best education for citizenship'

"The emphasis laid on the principle of spending every minute of one's life usefully is the best education for citizenship".

'Money inversted in learning'

"In a democratic scheme, money invested in the promotion of learning gives a tenfold return to the people even as a seed sown in good soil returns a luxuriant crop".

Education for all

"Love requires that true education should be easily accessible to all and should be of use to every villager in this daily life".

Mahatma Gandhi on corporal punishment

"Experience gained in two schools under my control has taught me that punishment does not purify, if anything, it hardens children".

Mahatma Gandhi on education and exercise

"I hold that true education of the intellect can only come through a proper exercise and training of the bodily organs, e.g., hands, feet, eyes, ears, nose, etc. In other words an intelligent use of the bodily organs in a child provide the best and quickest way of developing his intellect".

Mahatma Gandhi on idea of university

"There should be a proper background for new universities. They should have feeders in the shape of schools and colleges which will impart instruction through the medium of their respective provincial languages. Then only can there be a proper milieu. University is at the top. A majestic top can only be sustained if there is a sound foundation".

(All the quotes are taken from

Source : htps://

Apply Now For CBSE Merit Scholarship For Single Girl Child; Know Details Here

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has opened the window for scholarship application for class 10 passed single girl child.

Apply Now For CBSE Merit Scholarship For Single Girl Child; Know Details Here

Apply Now For CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme For Single Girl Child

New Delhi:  The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has opened the window for scholarship application for class 10 passed single girl child. The objective of CBSE merit scholarship scheme is to provide scholarships to the meritorious Single Girl Students, who are the only child of their parents; and have passed the CBSE Class 10 Examination with 60% / 6.2 CGPA or more marks/ grades and are continuing their further school education of Class 11 and 12.

The CBSE Merit Scholarship for Single Girl Child scheme is aimed to recognize the efforts of the parents in promoting education among girls and to provide encouragement to meritorious students.

As per the approval of the Competent Authority, all children born together are Single Girl Child of their parents.

The number of scholarships for a particular year shall be variable and shall to awarded to all such "Single Girl Students" who have secured 60% / 6.2 CGPA or more marks / grades in the CBSE Class 10 Examination in that year, said the notification from CBSE.

CBSE Merit Scholarship For Single Girl Child: Selection Procedure

a) Student should have passed Class 10Examination from the CBSE and secured 6.2 CGPA or more.
b) Pursuing Class 11 & 12 from CBSE affiliated Schools.
c) Student (Girl) should be ONLY CHILD of their parents.
d) Original Affidavit duly attested by the First Class Judicial Magistrate/ SDM/ Executive Magistrate/Notary as per prescribed format available on the Board's website. (Photocopy of Affidavit will not be accepted).
e) Application form should be attested by the School Principal from where the student is pursuing Class XI after passing Class X from Board's Examination.
f) Tuition fee should not be more than Rs. 1,500/- per month in Class X and 10% enhancement for Class 11 & 12.

CBSE Merit Scholarship For Single Girl Child: How to apply

1) Candidate need to enter her roll number and certificate no. (as printed on the class 10 grade sheet) in order to submit the online application form.
2) Enter all your particulars carefully and submit the form.
3) Note down the Registration Number shown on the page. This will be used while uploading documents and also for all other future communications.
4) Print the undertaking as provided in the "Guidelines Document" (this document), fill it, paste the photograph and get it attested from school.
5) Prepare affidavit, as per format provided in the "Guidelines Document".
6) Scan the above two documents, ie Affidavit and Undertaking so as to create JPG image file of up to 1MB size.

Source : | New Delhi, October 3, 2017 | UPDATED 14:21 IST

Aadhaar card made mandatory for CBSE Class 9, Class 11 registrations

"Aadhaar number field provided in online system is mandatory. Wherever Aadhaar number is not available; Aadhaar enrollment number can be provided," says CBSE. 

Aadhaar card made mandatory for CBSE Class 9, Class 11 registrations

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has started the online registration process for class 9 and class 11.
Moreover, CBSE has made it mandatory to use Aadhaar number for board exam registration, as reported by NDTV.

Here's what the circular reads:

"All CBSE affiliated schools should register themselves before proceeding for online submission. They can use the password and 'Affiliation Number' as user ID already available with them. Newly affiliated schools should contact the concerned Regional Office of the CBSE for obtaining password."
"Aadhaar number field provided in online system is mandatory. Wherever Aadhaar number is not available; Aadhaar enrollment number can be provided. Residents of Indian states where Aadhaar enrollment is not being done may provide Bank details in lieu of Aadhaar."
Further, for foreign nationals, passport number must be provided; else Social Security Number/ID Number issued by that Foreign Country may be provided.

How to register:

The online registrations for regular candidates of Class 9 and Class 11 can be done on the official website, the link for which is

CBSE might conduct Class 10, Class 12 board exam in February:

With the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) taking major steps in the re-evaluation process of class 12 board exams, the board has recently announced the decision to conduct class 10 and class 12 board examination one month early from the next year onwards.
This means, CBSE will conduct the board examination in February instead of March.

Why change in the age old practice of board?

As reported by TOI, the board has taken this step to advance the cycle of exams and related activities from 2018-19 as a part of reforms focused on "error-free evaluation."

Source :