Monday, February 3, 2020

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Board exam: How to prepare for the exam
The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct Class 12 Business Studies exam on March 24, 2020 from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. Read on to know more...

Hindustan Times, New Delhi : Jan 30, 2020

CBSE Class 12 students who opted for Commerce stream have to pick Business Studies as one of the subjects.
The study of business is about how people organize and act to develop goods and services to satisfy consumers. It focuses on how to make a business successful.
The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct Class 12 Business Studies exam on March 24, 2020 from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. The theory exam will be of 80 marks, while project will make up for the rest 20 marks.
There are three parts to the CBSE Class 12 syllabus of Business Studies.
Principles and Functions of Management is one of the most important part carrying 50 marks of the total 100.
It has further 7 divisions, of which Organising carries the highest marks. Next is the Business Finance and Marketing portion that carries 30 marks. Every student has to submit a project work, which will carry 20 marks weightage.
The concepts in Business Studies need to be understood thoroughly. Reading the chapter soon after it has been taught in class is a model practice.
Students should not get disheartened if the scores are not on a par with practical papers like Accountancy.

Here are some preparation tips which can help candidates

Understanding concepts: By reading the definitions, features and reasoning of a concept, understanding it would be easy.

Completing syllabus: The syllabus of CBSE Class 12 is to be covered entirely to be able to answer every question on the paper.

Start early: Business studies cannot be crammed just before the exam. Students need to start early. Without taking stress, one can just go through the chapter taught in class, so that it gets retained better.

Important parts: Capital Structure is a crucial concept of financial management that students need to handle with care. One should try to understand how the statement or format is being derived instead of simply mugging it.

General Tips
Written practice: In order to remember the chapter or lesson better, write down whatever you are reading to retain the information better.
Sample questions: Question papers from previous years are easily available on the Internet. Practicing them within the speculated time frame will help students in adjudging their speed and ability of comprehending what the question actually demands.
Textbooks are key: For scoring good marks in Business Studies, reading from the CBSE’s NCERT textbooks is good enough. Additional guides can be used to practice mock questions.

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