Exclusive: CBSE plans Class 10, 12 Board exams on same date in two shifts
The plan to set common dates for both exams, with Class 12 in
the morning and Class 10 in the afternoon, is likely to decrease the
overall duration of the finals.
Updated: Jul 17, 2017 08:50 IST
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) proposes to hold the finals
for classes 10 and 12 on same dates in two shifts, a move that will
reduce the examination period and give teachers extra time to check
answer-scripts more thoroughly.
The new plan was designed after the board met principals of some of the top schools in New Delhi and its satellite cities.
CBSE, which has two panels committees to suggest ways to improve the
system, will review the suggestions before a final decision is taken.
country’s largest school board that has more than 18,000 institutions
affiliated to it holds the two exams usually from March 1, barring
exceptions such as this year’s state assembly elections that delayed the
test by more than a week.
The exams run close to 45 days because of an array of subjects and separate time-tables for the two classes.
plan to set common dates for both exams, with Class 12 in the morning
and Class 10 in the afternoon, is likely to decrease the overall
duration of the finals.
At present, exams are not held in the afternoon.
reduced number of exam days will give evaluators — a pool of
schoolteachers selected by the CBSE — more time to check the
answer-scripts of students before the results are declared in May.
The teachers usually get a small window to check the answers, given the sheer size of the number of examinees.
More than a million students wrote the Class 12 exam this year.
conducting Class 12 and 10 exams on the same day we can reduce the
examination period and provide more time to the evaluators,” a senior
board official said.
The CBSE has drawn criticism for its evaluation system as
several students complained of variation in marks after asking the board
for a relook.
The board said it took extra care to cut faults,
but the possibility of human error cannot be ruled out in calculating
the marks, putting them on answer-scripts and feeding them manually in
“Efforts are made to further improve the system,” the
official said. The meeting with principals was called to gather views
“before deciding anything on the evaluation and examination system”, the
official said.
According to sources, most principals were against
reevaluation or rechecking of answer-scripts, but won’t mind
verification of marks.
“A longer evaluation period will be better
for students. This will give teachers more time to look at the answer
sheets, maybe more teachers can look at them. This will ensure fewer
errors,” a principal said.
Another principal said “we have assured the board we will send our best teachers” to check answers.
has also been suggested that the board should ask students to suggest
teachers who could be good evaluators. Another suggestion is to increase
the remuneration of evaluators, at least by 20%, and to set a figure as
to how many copies they need to check.
“We are looking at
restricting the number of copies that can be evaluated by a person in
six hours so that quality is maintained,” the CBSE official said.
Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/education/cbse-plans-to-hold-class-10-12-exams-on-same-day-to-give-evaluators-more-time/story-GCTQLwOHaZUrTpAqgLAqFJ.html