Tuesday, July 26, 2016

18 Campus safety tips every college student should keep in mind

18 Campus safety tips every college student should keep in mind

Being on a college campus is fun, but it's easy to gain a false sense of security when surrounded by your peers. After all, they're just honest students like you, right? Wrong. It's important to acknowledge and remember that you don't always know who you can trust, even when you're in the college campus. Unfortunately , several students fall victim to on-campus crimes.While colleges do their best to make student safety a priority , students are ultimately responsible for their own safety .Here are some precautions you should take on campus.

1 Don't allow technology to make you unaware of your surroundings. As everyone with headphones, a smartphone and an MP3 player knows -the minute you're plugged in, the world barely exists anymore! You stare at your phone, zoned out and not knowing what is going on around you.

2 Share your classactivities sched ule with parents and a network of close friends. Make sure they have all the numbers they need to get in contact with you.

3 Carry your purse close to your body and keep a firm grip on it; carry your wallet in an inside coat pocket or your front pant pocket.

4 Be aware and stay alert. Whether you are hanging out at a party or walking across campus, pay attention to what is going on around you. Avoid being isolated with someone that you don't know or trust.

5 Get to know your campus and find out a well-lit route back to your hostel or place of residence.

6 There have been many complaints of physical and psychological injury due to ragging (another term for bullying) in colleges and educational institutions. Despite rules against it, seniors often find `safe' spots where they can torment juniors and freshers. These places need to be identified and guarded so as to prevent such activities.

7 some reason, talk with people you If you are feeling threatened for trust such as friends, family , teachers is happening and talk about ways they and security staff. Let them know what might be able to help.

8 needed to. If you live in a college Plan how you would escape if you building, make sure you know all the exits. Consider what routes you could take to get to transportation, and where you could go to get to safety.

9 Escape is the primary objective if you become involved in a dangerous situation. Do not attempt a physical confrontation if escape is possible.

10 Always include emergency num bers in your mobile phone's contact list for easy access.

11 Don't flaunt large sums of cash or expensive jewellery . Such actions may provide temptation to a thief.

12 Tell a friend or roommate where you're going before venturing out to ensure they are aware of your whereabouts, in case you are stuck in some crisis situation.

13 bag or other belongings Avoid leaving your electronics, unattended.

14 whistle to attach to your keychain Purchase pepper spray and a or store it in your bag.

15 on your campus and share Learn ways to get involved important information about sexual violence.

16 Enhance your personal security with technology and safety devices. Though it's not a substitute for quality self-defence training, safety apps or other devices can be value additions to your arsenal.

17 If you see anyone suspicious in and around the premises, alert the campus security . It's always better to be safe than sorry .

18 It's always a good idea for stu dents to use a buddy system to keep an eye for each other when going to campus events, parties, concerts and other activities.
Source: Jul 24 2016 : The Times of India (Mumbai)

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