Friday, November 8, 2019

CBSE Study Materials for Class 1 to 12 PDF Download All Subjects for 2020 Board Exams

November 7, 2019 by rajathe

versionweekly provides all the necessary study materials for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 that are required by students for FREE.  These study materials for CBSE are designed by CBSE experts and Master Teachers who have a distinguished experience in the field of teaching. All the students who are studying in CBSE affiliated schools are advised to refer the CBSE Study material on daily basis to keep themselves ahead of their peers.

The study materials for CBSE class 1 to 12 include Maths, Science, Social Science and all subjects syllabus, Sample Papers, Revision Notes, Important Formulas & Questions, Previous Year Question Paper and other important resources. The sample papers and previous years questions papers are designed by our expert teachers for students to score more marks in their examinations.

Free Online Study Material for CBSE Board Examinations 2020 – PDF Download


Benefits of Studying CBSE Study Materials for class 1 to 12
•                 Interactive and engaging content for an easy understanding of all the CBSE concepts and to understand the topics easily.
•                 Strictly as per the latest CBSE Syllabus.
•                 Provides a good grip over all the weaker areas with CBSE previous years question papers.
•                 You can learn to manage the time judiciously while preparation and attempting the paper.
•                 Ample important formulas and questions to practice.

Referring to Class 6 to 12 CBSE Study Materials can make wonders happen in the final exams. Be the top scorer of your class and get an extra edge with Versionweekly’s study materials for CBSE.
Source :

CBSE starts contest to help students make friends with maths

Kamini Mehta | TNN | Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Chandigarh: With an aim to develop ability to reason logically and present arguments in honest and convincing manner, the Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced “Aryabhạtta Ganit Challenge” for the students of Classes VIII to X.  According to teachers here, this will also help students make friends with mathematics by promoting better understanding of concepts through an enjoyable assessment process.
The computer-based test will mainly focus on the extent to which children are able to apply mathematics to their daily life. The feedback from the performance of the test will help the Board handhold the schools and children in the application of mathematics in daily life.
According to the CBSE, it is important that students apply mathematical concepts, facts, procedures and reasoning to solve mathematically formulated problems to obtain mathematical conclusions. Students should also be able to reflect upon mathematical solutions, results or conclusions and interpret them in the context of real-life problems.
“In mathematics, students learn that with proper reasoning and assumptions, they can arrive at results that they can fully trust to be true in a wide variety of real-life contexts. While applying mathematics in daily life, students develop the competencies required through mathematisation (of problems) before them. During the process of mathematisation, students recognise and identify opportunities to use mathematics and then provide mathematical structure to a problem presented in some contextualised form,” a CBSE circular stated.
Chandigarh district education officer Anujit Kaur said, “We are yet to see the circular but we will be motivating government
schools to participate in this mathematics challenge.” “If students learn how mathematics can be applied in real life, then they will find it interesting and easier to understand,” said Anupama Bisht, a mathematics teacher from a private school.
Another teacher, Pavitra Gill, from a private school said, “This is the right way to teach mathematics. It should be taught in a joyful manner, so that even those who have not started teaching maths to their students in an enjoyable manner will have to do so for this test. This will benefit the students.”
Experimenting With Maths For Better Understanding of Dreaded Subject
When to register?
Registration open till November 15
First stage: All students of from Class VIII to X in CBSE-affiliated schools
Second stage: Top three students from each affiliated school registered for the first stage
Test duration & total marks
Test will be of one hour with objective type questions. Total weightage will be 60 marks and there will be no negative marking
Areas of Assessment
1. Application of mathematics in daily life (20 marks)
i. Change and relationships
ii. Space and shape
iii. Quantity
iv. Uncertainty and data
2. Joy of mathematics learning (20 marks)
i. Puzzles
ii. History of mathematics
iii. Current affairs in mathematics
iv. Mathematics all around us
3. Mathematical ability (20 marks)
i. Numerical ability
ii. Reasoning
iii. Spatial ability
Process of test and selection
First Stage
* For first stage, an affiliated school can apply through the link available on CBSE website before November 15 till 5.30pm
* From November 18 to 22, the question paper will be made available to the registered schools with answer keys through the online link
* The registered school will conduct the test and identify three top students
* In case more than three students score same marks, a suitable screening test may be conducted by the schools at their own level to identify the top three
* Schools will register the names of these three top students by paying Rs 900 fees and logging in through the online link during November 18-25. During this stage, this link can only be accessed by the schools which registered for the test before the last date Second Stage
* Only those schools, which have completed the first stage, will be eligible for the second stage
* A computer-based test will be conducted by the board for the top three students registered from each school on November 29
* Detailed modalities of the test will be communicated to the schools that register students for the challenge >Top 100 students from each CBSE region will be given Merit Certificate
Test Fee
There will be no fees for participating in the first stage. However, Rs 900 will be charged for appearing in the challenge for the final stage. Fees will be accepted only through debit card/ credit card/ NEFT at the time of registration.
Recognition of the schools
10 schools from each region with maximum number of student participation in the first stage will be given an appreciation certificate by the Board
Source :

CBSE Class 10, 12 exams to begin from Feb 15

DHNS, New Delhi, NOV 08 2019

The Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations of the central board of secondary education (CBSE) schools are likely to begin from February 15 next year. The examinations will start with theory papers of skill subjects.
Beginning preparations for the board examinations in 2020, the CBSE has in the latest circular directed all the schools
ailiated to it to start practical examinations and students’ project assessments from January 1 and complete the process by
February 7.
This year onwards, the board has sought proof of the practical examinations. For this, the board has directed schools to send group pictures of each of the batches of the students taking practical exams along with the examiners and observers.
The CBSE has developed a mobile App for uploading the photographs by the schools. Besides, the schools have also been
instructed to immediately upload the marks of the practical/ students’ project on the link aer completion of the work on
the same date.
“The marks of the internal assessment should also be uploaded simultaneously with eect from January 1 to February 7,
2020. No extension in any activity shall be granted, including the last date for uploading data and photograph, etc February 7, 2020,” the controller of examination directed the schools.
Source :

From 2020, Italy to make climate classes a must


Jason Horowitz |  Rome:

Yes, children, climate change will be on the test.
Italy’s education minister said on Tuesday that its public schools would soon require students in every grade to study climate change and sustainability, a step he said would put Italy at the forefront of environmental education worldwide.

The lessons, at first taught as part of the students’ civics education, will eventually become integrated throughout a variety of subjects — a sort of “Trojan horse” that will “infiltrate” all courses, education minister Lorenzo Fioramonti said.
Environmental advocates welcomed the new subject matter, with some caveats. Teaching children about sustainability is “certainly very important”, said Edoardo Zanchini, vicepresident of Legambiente, Italy’s leading environmental group. But he warned that responsibility should not simply be passed on to children. “Science tells us the next 10 years are crucial,” he said. “We cannot wait for the next generation.”
Starting in September 2020, Fioramonti said, teachers in every grade will lead lessons in climate change and environmental sustainability. That 33-hour-a-year lesson, he said, will be used as a pilot programme to ultimately fold the climate agenda of the United Nations into the entire curriculum. So merely studying place names and locations in geography class? “Forget that,” Fioramonti said. Geography courses will soon study the impact of human actions on different parts of the planet, too, he said.
Fioramonti is a member of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, which has long put environmental concerns at the heart of its identity. He had encouraged students to take part in climate protests last September instead of attending class.
Until August, 5-Star had governed Italy for more than a year with the nationalist League party, led by Matteo Salvini, who is still the country’s most popular politician, and who has a sceptical view of climate change.
But as President Trump began pulling the US out of the landmark Paris Agreement this week, Fioramanti said that every country needed to do its part to stop the “Trumps of the world” and that his ambition was to show children there was another way. “The 21st-century citizen,” the minister said, “must be a sustainable citizen”. NYT NEWS SERVICE
From September next year, teachers in every grade will lead lessons in climate change and environmental sustainability

CBSE asks schools to develop podcasts on best practices, innovations in teaching and classroom assessment

CBSE had earlier this year launched a podcast platform called “CBSE-Shiksha Vani” to provide schools the authentic and latest information and guidelines of the board on academic and training initiatives, examinations and other important areas and procedures.

EDUCATION | Nov 07, 2019  | Press Trust of India | New Delhi

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked schools to develop podcasts on their best practices related to innovations in pedagogy, experiential and active learning, integration of co-curricular areas in main subjects and classroom assessment.
The board had earlier this year launched a podcast platform called “CBSE-Shiksha Vani” to provide schools the authentic and latest information and guidelines of the board on academic and training initiatives, examinations and other important areas and procedures.
“Teachers should be encouraged to contribute high quality podcasts at CBSE-Shiksha Vani. They can share about their innovative ways of observing class, ways they self-review, maintain records, take feedback from students and record important details. “Teachers may share what works for them, how they enhance learning and how they achieve the required competencies in their classroom by employing alternative techniques for better results,” the CBSE said in a communication to schools.
The board has specified that the effort will get due weightage in CBSE Teachers awards and teachers may be chosen to be part of the board’s national content creation team.
“CBSE would upload the material for the benefit of larger community of students and teachers and duly recognize the effort of schools and teachers in a suitable manner. Due weightage will be given in selection criteria of CBSE Teachers Awards and similar recognition by the board. Further, these teachers may be chosen to be a part of CBSE’s national content creation team,” the letter said. The teachers have been asked to convert the already available material or practice into an audio format and share recorded podcasts with the board.
“This would indeed address the gap in capabilities of teachers and students which varies greatly across country. Sharing of ideas will certainly arouse your teachers and they will take their creativity higher still to come up with ever new podcasts to facilitate teaching and learning in schools. As sharing drives creativity, we all benefit from it,” the CBSE said.

Creating an entrepreneurial mindset in students

Creating an entrepreneurial mindset in students

The significance of entrepreneurship education in K-12 Schools have become widely recognised in recent times. It is now emerging as one of the fastest growing fields across the globe, for bringing in a positive impact on economic growth and employment opportunities.

EDUCATION | Nov 07, 2019 | Dr  Bijaya Kumar Sahoo

Developing knowledge on entrepreneurship need not make a person an entrepreneur, but it will definitely nurture an enterprising mindset which leads one towards excellence in school and beyond the school years.
Developing knowledge on entrepreneurship need not make a person an entrepreneur, but it will definitely nurture an enterprising mindset which leads one towards excellence in school and beyond the school years. (Mint/File)
The significance of entrepreneurship education in K-12 Schools have become widely recognised in recent times. It is now emerging as one of the fastest growing fields across the globe, for bringing in a positive impact on economic growth and employment opportunities. Entrepreneurship education should start from an early age, advancing gradually through all levels of education, to inculcate a process of lifelong learning in students. Realising the need, the draft National Education Policy 2019 (NEP) of India has outlined some special steps that needs to be taken to incorporate it in the School curriculum.
Developing knowledge on entrepreneurship need not make a person an entrepreneur, but it will definitely nurture an enterprising mindset which leads one towards excellence in school and beyond the school years. Similarly, entrepreneurship is not confined to economic activities and creation of start-ups, it embraces other areas of life, like stimulating students to think creatively and aspiringly.
Customised Teaching
As entrepreneurship refers to a person’s ability to turn ideas into action, students need to be introduced to this arena through creative teaching approaches. Teachers should aid them with a pleasant environment and high-quality teaching to develop a proper entrepreneurial mindset, that will lead them towards success. Teaching such skills through school requires in-depth planning, balancing theory with real-life experiences. As these active and young minds are still dependent on teachers for edifying them, it is the responsibility of the educators to help these children open for them the world of possibilities in a creative way.
Inspires young minds
Entrepreneurship education fosters advanced skills of creativity and innovative thinking which empowers and inspires students to take initiatives, risk decisions and accept responsibility to thrive in the challenging world. Such students develop the ability to recognize opportunities, thinks critically, solve problem creatively and above all learn to push boundaries. The skills of critical-thinking, communication and collaboration not only help in making them forward thinking individuals or develop in them a nimbleness to adapt to rapid change but also in shaping their own careers.
Nurtures unconventional talents and skills
Integrating entrepreneurship into the curriculum develops knowledge, skills and attitudes in students that impact academic performance and develop entrepreneurial competency. It helps them to identify and hone their latent talents as well as act in a socially responsible way. Students develop the skill to deliberate, identify potential audience, seek approval from people, understand their need and learn how to sell their ideas. They also learn the importance of research and understand the importance of learning from one’s mistakes.
Promotes economic growth
Education plays a significant role in the growth and development of a nation and the economic growth of a nation is supported by the entrepreneurial thinking skills and activities of its people. They are the driving force which fuel economic growth. Entrepreneurial innovations with technological advancements and global competitiveness are essential for a state or a country to create new jobs and aid in economy growth.
Creates large cohorts of entrepreneurs
Various studies and research indicate that students who have received entrepreneurial education are 3 to 6 times likely to start business. It equips young learners with talents and abilities by skilling up their knowledge in areas like sales, finance, management, accountancy and marketing to come up with business ideas and work on their own ventures. Successful entrepreneurs are those people that make a positive difference to the society or world, by identifying the real needs of the people and trying to solve them innovatively and fruitfully.
Way forward
The fast-rising technology is gradually reshaping our workspace, alerting the educationist on reformulating and reinventing our system of schooling so as to align with the ever-changing career scenario. Entrepreneurial education though is a fast-rising trend, is still at its nascent stage. It needs much effort to streamline and amalgamate into the pedagogy in an effective manner. Time has now come to devise and implement innovative learning systems to help build a strong entrepreneurial culture across all the K-12 schools and equip the future generation with skills and mindsets that will empower them to navigate the newer world with confidence.
(Author Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahoo is the Founder and Chief Mentor of SAI International Education Group. Views expressed here are personal.)

CBSE Class 10, 12 exams to begin from Feb 15

DHNS, New Delhi, NOV 08 2019

The Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations of the central board of secondary education (CBSE) schools are likely to begin from February 15 next year. The examinations will start with theory papers of skill subjects.
Beginning preparations for the board examinations in 2020, the CBSE has in the latest circular directed all the schools
ailiated to it to start practical examinations and students’ project assessments from January 1 and complete the process by
February 7.
This year onwards, the board has sought proof of the practical examinations. For this, the board has directed schools to send group pictures of each of the batches of the students taking practical exams along with the examiners and observers.
The CBSE has developed a mobile App for uploading the photographs by the schools. Besides, the schools have also been
instructed to immediately upload the marks of the practical/ students’ project on the link aer completion of the work on
the same date.
“The marks of the internal assessment should also be uploaded simultaneously with eect from January 1 to February 7,
2020. No extension in any activity shall be granted, including the last date for uploading data and photograph, etc February 7, 2020,” the controller of examination directed the schools.
Source :

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Class 12 practical exams to be held on old pattern

Kainat Sarfaraz |
New Delhi : Four months after the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) said it was deliberating conducting Class 12 practical examination at external centres, the board came out with the examination schedule on Monday and said it would follow the previous year’s pattern with a more “strengthened” system.
“We have asked them to upload marks simultaneously and will also appoint a third-party observer who would supervise the conduct of exams,” said Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of Examinations. “In addition to this, we gave schools more than a month to conduct the practical examinations, which is an increased time frame from previous years so that schools have enough time to prepare.”
Between January 1, 2020 to February 7, 2020, the practical exams of both Class 10 and Class 12
students will be held at the same school they are enrolled in. Schools will have to upload the marks immediately on the link provided by the board after the assessment is over. As per past practice, there will be an external examiner and internal examiner.
Source :

Why children should not be served junk food in school

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on - Nov 6, 2019

01/7No junk food zone

If junk food is one of the leading causes of so many health problems, why is it being promoted in schools? Most school canteens across the country offer a number of foods that most health experts will deem unhealthy. These foods provide no real nutrition, and might even get in the way of a child’s nutritional requirements. With a steep ascent in health awareness all around the country, many people feel that junk food should not be sold in and around school premises, and here are some details that surround the idea.

02/7The FSSAI intervention

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India proposed a ban on the sale and advertisement of junk food in school canteens and anywhere within 50 metres of school premises. The objective is to provide children with wholesome and safe food, while keeping them away from HFFS (high in fat, salt and sugar) foods. This even includes banning advertisements that promote such foods. There are many reasons why this ban should be implemented.

03/7Food provided should be wholesome and nutritious

Most junk food contains little to no nutrition, and substituting a healthy meal for something like a burger or a packet of chips rids the child of much needed nutrition. Children are growing at all times, and growth is supplemented by good nutrition, therefore focussing on nutritious food is top priority. Moreover, junk foods are not wholesome, and children are highly capable of feeling hungry shortly, encouraging binge eating.

04/7Food provided should be safe

Junk food contains a lot of unhealthy ingredients like trans fats, hydrogenated oils, artificial sugar, and a whole lot of empty calories. All these are unsafe not just for children, but for people of all ages, and consuming them can cause some serious health problems like damage to the organs and chronic conditions like diabetes or obesity.

05/7There is a lot of false advertising

A lot of products are falsely advertised as being healthy and nutritious, when in fact they are nowhere close to living up to those claims. Products like fruit juice or soya chips are advertised as being healthy, when in fact they are loaded with unhealthy ingredients like sugar, salt, fats, and preservatives, bringing the concept of ethics in the equation.

06/7Children are gullible

False advertising brings us to the next point, which is that children are usually gullible, and are quick to believe any information that is presented to them. Children are tempted by smell and appearance, which are enhanced for that very reason, and are persuaded by false advertising. This way, children end up indulging in food devoid of nutrition and end up compromising on vitamins and minerals.

07/7Engagement of nutritionists and dietitians

Food safety and standards can be maintained if the preparation of food in terms of wholesomeness, nutrition, and safety is assisted by nutritionists and dietitians periodically. This would help in ensuring that children end up getting nutritious food which is of utmost important at that stage.

Source : 

CBSE Practical Exams & Project Assessments 2020: 

Important details
TOI-Online | Nov 6, 2019, 11.26 AM IST

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the practical examinations and project assessments of Class 10th and Class 12th students from January 01, 2020, to February 7, 2020. After the practical exams and project assessment submissions, the CBSE Board Exam 2020 will commence from February 15, 2020. The above information was released by the Board on its official website -
CBSE Practical Exams & Projects Submission
Here are some of the important details related to the practical exams and project assessments that students should know:
Date sheet: The CBSE schools will conduct the Practical Examination and Project Assessments from January 1 to February 7, 2020.
Exam Centre: The practical exam and project assessments will be done in the respective schools.
Examiners: During the practical exam and project assessments at schools, both external examiner and an internal examiner will be present. However, the practicals will be conducted by the external examiners appointed by the CBSE only. An observer will also be appointed.
Result/Marks: The marks will be uploaded on the CBSE internal website immediately after the assessment is over.
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