CBSE exams 2017: Tips to score maximum marks in Business Studies paper
Theory-based subjects are as vital as any other subject and not giving B St as much attention can pull down your overall marks.
Students must understand the most important concepts and answer the questions clearly.
The CBSE class 12 board examinations are round the corner and
students of the commerce stream have had their noses burried in books
and rigorous practice. With the need to equate balance sheets and a race
to figure out macro-economic charts, students tend to take a breather
when it comes to the more theory-based subjects like Business Studies (B
Theory-based subjects are as vital as any other subject and not
giving B St as much attention can pull down your overall marks. Students
must understand the most important concepts and answer the questions
clearly. Most importantly, students must know how to present their
answers during the paper.
Here are some tips to help you answer the questions in the best way possible:
1) Questions- Read the questions carefully before
attempting the answer. Highlight the main points within each question so
that you won’t have to go through the questions again while answering
the paper. You will have 15-minutes before the paper begins to go
through all the questions.
2) Rough sheet- The rough sheet is a saviour for
many students as it provides the space to jot down some points that you
may forget later. Whenever you remember something (while going through
the questions or while answering a different question), quickly note it
down in the rough sheet so that when you actually get to writing down
your answer, you will have those points in front of you instead of
needing to spend time thinking about them.
3) Write what you know first- You must always write
those points first which they are sure about. For instance, if you
believe you know six points to a three mark question, write the three
points you are certain about first and then note down all other points.
This must also be the case while picking the questions to answer first—
always go for the answers you know before attempting those that you are
not so sure about.
4) Write in points- Writing in heavy paragraphs with
a repetition of statements may fill out the space and increase your
word count, but it will not bring out the main points in your answer. In
order to do that, put your answers down in points instead of thick
paragraphs. This will show that you know what you are talking about.
5) Illustrations- Improve the presentation of your
answers by using illustrations like charts, graphs and cartoons. This
does not mean you need to waste time trying to create a graph or a chart
with every answer. Rather, try to quickly illustrate what you mean to
say in some of the larger questions that have sub points. This will help
in creating an impression.
6) Differentiation- In questions which ask you to
differentiate between two concepts, use tables. You can put your points
forward clearly when you use a table and the differences will be clearly
highlighted in the points within the table. Remember to always explain
the basis of the differences that you have highlighted. This will give
more weightage to your answer.
7) Word limits- Never exceed the word limit for any
any question by trying to fill in too many words. What is important in
any answer is to put forward the main points and explaining the basis
behind them.
8) Underline- Sometimes, thick paragraphs are
inevitable when you are trying to put forward your concepts. This,
however, will not be an issue if you find a different way to bring
attention to the main points in the paragraphs. Underlining the key
points is one of the most useful devises to bring those points into
9) Revise- If you have managed to finish the paper
early— which happens with many students— do not leave the exam room or
waste the time by idle procrastination. Use the time to go through your
answers and recheck the questions.
10) Attempt everything- Do not leave any question!
If you don’t remember the exact answer, try to recall what you know and
answer the question based on that. You may or may not gain marks for
what you’ve written, but leaving a question will not even give you that
small chance.
By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | February 27, 2017