Friday, January 20, 2017

Changes in nat'l architecture aptitude test stump students

Changes in this year's National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) have baffled many students aspiring to pursue their BArch. The Council of Architecture (CoA), which conducts NATA, has included mathematics as a 40mark component in the 200mark paper. A separate section for mathematics was never part of NATA since its inception a decade ago. The council has even moved to an offline exam that will be conducted on April 16, instead of online tests conducted in phases between AprilAugust-end every year.
Students could reappear in slots and the best of the five tests were considered as the final score for admissions. Students could take the test at their convenience and could better their score, said a teacher from a city architecture college, adding that it was meant to be an aptitude test. With the exam on asingle day , many will not be able to enjoy the benefit of the multiple-test system. The exam is also on a Sunday , in between the class XII exam of some state boards and CBSE exam this year, added the teacher. “The test pattern has moved from being progressive to regressive,“ said the teacher.

Maharashtra, which comprised around one-fifth of aspirants taking the test, used to conduct its own test till 2015. The state decided to use NATA scores for admissions to architecture colleges in 2016. For admissions to the five-year BArch course, 50% weightage each is given to NATA and the aggregate of class XII scores (includes scores in mathematics). “The council should rethink its decision to include mathematics in NATA. There is no need to evaluate students in mathematics as they already appear for the subject in the qualifying exam.This will ensure more creative minds from Arts and Commerce background, who are not good at mathematics, also get a decent rank in the test,“ said Rajiv Mishra, a professor for 25 years from JJ School of Architecture.

Council president B Nayak said NATA used to test students on numerical ability before too.“The mathematics component will be based on class XII CBSE syllabus. Our aim is to test the aptitude of students in all aspects of architecture. If they are not good in mathematics till class XII, they find it difficult to cope with the subjects later. Our attempt is to get more Science students in colleges, and meritorious ones. We need not continue to follow a wrong pattern forever,“ said Nayak. He added that the single-day test was being conducted to eliminate malpractices and bring about standardization and transparency .But a student said the class XII mathematics syllabus in CBSE was different from state boards.

Jan 20 2017 : The Times of India (NaviMumbai)


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

CBSE Class 12 Maths paper will be easy from this year, said CBSE

Last year, many students claimed that mathematics exam was very lengthy and they could not finish the exam on time. According to a statement released by CBSE on August 12, 2016, the education body will reduce the difficulty level of mathematics question paper from 2017.

Here's look at the new paper pattern of Class 12 mathematics:

Short-answer type questions:

The paper pattern will be reviewed and short-answer type questions carrying two marks to be introduced. This will eventually reduce the number of controversial high thinking questions

HOTS will now carry 10 marks:

The higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions will carry 10 marks and will be bifurcated into two sections, segregating it into six and four marks questions.

This year, mathematics exam is scheduled to be held on March 20.

The CBSE has released Class 12 and Class 10 datesheets on the official website, The Class 10 board examination will begin from March 9 and will continue till April 10, while Class 12 boards will continue till April 29. This year, mathematics exam is scheduled to be held on March 20.


CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet to be revised to accommodate JEE Main: truth behind the reports

Here is the truth behind the reports that CBSE Class 12 2017 date sheet would be revised to accommodate JEE Main.

CBSE 10th and 12th date sheet revised
CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet to be revised to accommodate JEE Main: truth behind the reports
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the CBSE Class 12 Board Examination 2017 Date Sheet last week. Soon after the date sheet was released, parents and teachers took to the internet to complain about the date sheet.

Parents and teachers complained that JEE Main and CBSE Class 12 Board papers were too close and presented how unhappy they were with the date sheet. Such has been the chorus that reports of CBSE planning to revise the Class 12 Date sheet to accommodate JEE Main examination have surfaced. Whether they are rumours or a fact continues to baffle parents, students and teachers. We reached out to sources in the CBSE and hereby confirm that there is no truth behind the alleged reports. CBSE Class 12 date sheet, is in fact, not going to be revised.

Reason for the rumour was very simple. The JEE Main 2017 examination, one of the largest engineering entrance examinations written by lacs of students falls on April 2, 2017. This is right in the middle of the Class 12 Board Examinations. The Chemistry paper, a qualifying subject for JEE Main and consequently for JEE Advanced 2017 is on March 25, 2017. Another point of concern is the biology paper which falls three days later on April 5, 2017.

Understandably, a large section of class 12 students would be appearing in the JEE Main 2017 examination. This examination is crucial for them to qualify for the elite IITs – the premium Indian Institute of Technology as well as the only entrance examination for the NITs. Parents were worried that the close dates would create unnecessary stress on students. Though officials at CBSE understand the concern, it is also a fact that the date sheet is not being revised.

It is important to mention here that CBSE had to delay the commencement of Class 12 Board Examinations to March 9 instead of the usual March 1. This has been done keeping in mind the Assembly Elections in 5 states of Punjab, Goa, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur. The elections in the state would start from February 8 and end on March 8 when the last phase of elections would conclude in Uttar Pradesh. To accommodate the elections, even ICSE and ICS exam schedules have been revised.

Uttar Pradesh Board Examinations have also been re-scheduled. Though this does create a problem of exams being too close for comfort, the dates cannot be shifted further. As it is, in order to accommodate the engineering aspirants, CBSE has pushed the qualifying papers of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics to conclude in March itself.

Parents are again advised not to fall for rumours about the Class 12 Date sheet being revised. The date sheet released by CBSE last week is final and examinations would start as states from March 9, 2017.


CBSE to go easy on Class 12 Maths paper

  Kritika Sharma | Tue, 17 Jan 2017-07:05am , New Delhi , DNA

The Board has revised the pattern of its question paper, after students complained about it being very tough, last year
In a relief to Class 12 Science students, the Mathematics question paper of Central Board Secondary Education (CBSE) is going to be easier this year, and will include only 20 per cent difficult questions. The Board revised the pattern of its question paper after students, last year, had complained about the questions being very tough, and some of them being out of the syllabus.
As per the revised format of the question paper, 20 per cent questions will be difficult, 20 per cent easy and the rest 60 per cent will be average questions.
Also, the Board is going to do away with choice system. There will be no overall choice in the question paper, but 30 per cent internal choice will be given in questions containing four and six marks.
A circular in this regard was circulated by CBSE in July 2016, which will be adopted for designing the questions this year. As per the circular, 35 per cent questions will be designed to test a student's 'understanding' of the subject, 20 per cent to test 'remembering' and only 10 per cent questions will test Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), the kind of questions that are generally considered to be difficult. The paper will also contain very short and short-answer type questions.
"A team of experts discussed various aspects of the question paper and it was decided that most of the questions should be based on Understanding and Application of the subject. Questions that test HOTS can only be solved by bright students but the question paper should cater to all kinds of students, which is why the focus will be more on average questions," said a source in the CBSE.

Clean chit

After various complaints from students and teachers last year, the CBSE had placed the matter before Committee of Subject Experts who concluded that the question paper was as per the curriculum. For this year, the CBSE wants to assure students that questions will be completely based on what they have studied in school from their National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) textbooks.

Revised question patten of Mathematics:

Typology of Questions–
Remembering: 20 per cent
Understanding: 35 per cent
Application: 25 per cent
Higher Order Thinking Skills:10 per cent
Evaluation: 10 per cent

Question-wise break-up

Very short answer–4 marks
Short answers – 16 marks
Long answers -I – 44 marks
Long answers -II – 36 marks


Friday, January 13, 2017

CBSE exams 2017: ‘Too less time to focus on entrances,’ say students on class 12 date sheet

With exams for subjects like Economics and Hindi occurring in the later half of April, teachers are worried about how to keep the students engaged in preparation.

Written by Manasa Durgavajjhala | New Delhi | Updated: January 12, 2017 2:54 pm

“Unless the board exams are over, children can’t peacefully concentrate on competitive exams,” says the principal of DTEA Senior Secondary School, Delhi.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Monday released the date sheets for class 12 and 10 examinations. The board exams, which generally take place from the first date of March, have been pushed back a week due to the elections. The exams will carry on till the end of April. The delay and the extension of dates have drawn mixed reactions from teachers and students.

The chief concern for many is that the postponement would shorten the time required to prepare for the entrance examinations for various undergraduate courses across streams. Most of these entrance exams are scheduled to start in April, May and June. While NEET 2017 is likely to held in May, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main), conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) is slated to take place on April 2, 2017.

“Now we have just one week to prepare for the JEE mains while last year, there were flat two weeks,” says Ankita D, a Class 12 science student, from Ryan International School, Noida. She also said that science students with computer electives have only two days to prepare for it. “But it is manageable,” she added.
Palak Bhandari, another student from Class 12, expressed her concern for the delay and the little time they would have after the exams to study for entrance exams. Being from the commerce stream, she complained that the date sheet could have been better arranged.

“We have eight days for Business studies (B.St.), 19 days for economics, but only three days for Maths — the toughest of all the subjects,” she said. She suggested that the dates for mathematics and business studies exams should be switched.

The economics paper is scheduled for April 17, 2017, which bites into the days required to study for entrances to be conducted in May. With exams for subjects like Economics and Hindi occurring in the later half of April, teachers, too, are worried about how to keep the students engaged in preparation.
“The Hindi paper is listed on April 22 and instead of concentrating on that my students will have their attention drawn towards the university entrances,” says R Rangarajan, a teacher at DTEA Senior Secondary School in Delhi. The principal, Raji Kamalasanan, expressed similar concerns and said that the exams have been extended for too long a period.

“How long can a student keep up the preparation momentum?” she asked, “Unless the board exams are over, children can’t peacefully concentrate on competitive exams.”

Other students, however, are quite satisfied with the date sheet and say they are glad that the papers have been delayed as it gives them more time to prepare. Riya Bansal, a class 12 student from the humanities stream, said they had enough time to prepare between each exam.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

CBSE curriculum may go in for overhaul

Prakash Kumar, NEW DELHI, Jan 12, 2017, DHNS
The school curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) may go for a significant makeover.

The CBSE governing board had recently approved a proposal to “merge” its international and national curriculum.

“The governing board has given in-principle approval to the proposal. We are looking into it,” a board’s official told DH.

The board is yet to work out the modalities for the merging of the CBSE’s international and national curriculum, the official added.

International students

The CBSE rolled out an international curriculum, CBSE-i, in 2010, to cater to the educational needs of international students, particularly those belonging to the Indian diaspora settled abroad.

Though the core of the syllabus under the CBSE-i is based on the National Curriculum Framework 2005, that of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), it is different from the CBSE curriculum meant for schools in India.

“The international curriculum was primarily designed to cater to the needs of the Indian diaspora settled abroad, keeping in mind that it remains competitive with global trends and current pedagogical patterns,” an official source said.

The CBSE-i also seeks to help develop a global perspective, with the focus on research
orientation and social empowerment.

Over the years, many schools in India also began offering CBSE-i curriculum with its growing popularity and demand. “Why should there be (two different curriculum) CBSE-i and CBSE? There should be one curriculum for all. The board is examining how to merge the two,” the source added.

CBSE Class 12 exams 2017: Datesheet released

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the datesheet for the senior secondary certificate examination, 2016. The exams will start from March 9, 2017 and will continue until the end of the next month (April 29, 2017).

Last year, a total of 10,65,179 students had appeared for class XII examination. This year there are 10,98,420 students appearing for the paper. The number of schools have also increased as compared to last year with 10677 have registered for the exam. In 2015, 10093 schools participated.

The exams will begin at 10.30 am. To download the date sheet, log on to the official website of CBSE (

Date sheet for class 12 exams, 2017:

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

  • 11 Jan 2017 | Mumbai | Puja Pednekar n

Schools divided over awarding extra marks for drawing, dance

Some say it will lead to inflation of marks, those in favour claim it will set good precedent

MUMBAI: The Maharashtra state education department’s decision to award 10 to 25 extra marks in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination to students excelling in drawing, classical and folk art has evoked mixed reactions from educationalists in Mumbai.

While educators lauded the move to extend the additional marks scheme, which was restricted only for students who play sports, to those proficient in fine art, many argued that it will lead to gross inflation of marks in the SSC exams.

School principals across boards, including ICSE, CBSE and international boards, acknowledged it as a ‘progressive move’. They said it will set a good precedent of equality between sportspersons and artists.
“Students pursuing creative arts from a school age deserve to be appreciated, much like those playing sports. They too invest their time and energy to hone their craft,” said Sunita George, principal, Bombay Scottish School, Powai.

Educators said this shows that state board recognises multiple intelligences.
“A child might be weak in academics but is talented in the arts. It will be unfair to judge him only on academics then,” said Father Francis Swamy, principal of St Mary’s School (ICSE), Mazgaon and joint-secretary of the Archdiocesan Board of Education, which runs 150-odd schools in Mumbai.
But they agreed that it will give SSC students an unfair edge over their counterparts unless ICSE, CBSE and international boards adopt similar practices.

“Due to this initiative, more students will receive additional marks than in the past. Admissions will be in the favour of SSC students,” said Rohan Bhat, chairman, Children’s Academy Group of Schools, Kandivli and Malad. “It will be a form of inflation of marks.”

Additionally, since there are no government approved institutions for teaching folk arts, experts warn that the board will need to keep a tight vigil over the certificates submitted by the students to claim the marks.
But education officials allayed fears that the new scheme might lead to excessive increase in the marks of an individual candidate or malpractices.

“The extra marks awarded to each student will not exceed beyond 25 in any circumstance, even if the child is gifted in sports and arts,” said Suvarna Kharat, deputy secretary of the department.


Govt looks for expert feedback on its school exam system 

  Fareeha Iftikhar | Wed, 11 Jan 2017-07:30am , DNA

(File Photo)

Delhi government has written to eminent educationists to help them improve the quality of education, assessment and examination system 
The letters were sent to the likes of Professor Krishan Kumar, Former Chairperson NCERT, and Abha Adam, Former Principal of a renowned school, among others.
Taking a step forward in its efforts to improve the quality of education in schools operating under it, the Delhi government on Tuesday wrote to several eminent educationists, urging them to give feedback on its assessment and examination system.

In a letter addressed to the education experts, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister Manish Sisodia said: “One area in which our Directorate of Education (DoE) is yet to introduce any reform is the assessment and examination system, which is extremely important as it affects the teaching-learning process in the classroom.”

Enclosing examination papers of Class IV-VIII with the letter, Sisodia asked the educationists to give their feedback on the ability of those papers for affective testing. “We want to promote a culture of innovation and creative thinking in our classrooms. Do you think our pattern of examination is appropriate for this goal? If not, what changes would you suggest?” Sisodia asked.

The letters were sent to the likes of Professor Krishan Kumar, Former Chairperson NCERT, and Abha Adam, Former Principal of a renowned school, among others.


RTE quota: Pvt schools can't verify income certs
Jan 11 2017 : The Times of India (NaviMumbai)
Vinamrata Borwankar |  Mumbai:

Private schools that admit students at the entry level under the Right to Education Act will not be allowed to independently verify income certificates issued by the Tehsildar's office, the school education department said on Tuesday while announcing the schedule for the online admission process for 2017-18. The move follows complaints last year about schools using private detectives to conduct background checks on students and their parents.
The online admissions for entry-level seats will begin on January 16 and conclude on April 29, after five rounds of lotteries, according to a government resolution issued by the school education department.As per the GR, schools cannot reject admissions in case of spelling mistakes made by parents in the child's name at the time of filling application forms. Besides, schools have been asked to ensure that those admitted under the quota are not discriminated with in the classrooms and complete at least primary education.
It would be mandatory for eligible schools to register for the online admissions in the stipulated 15 days failing which, education officials can issue a notice recommending de-recognition.
