Study: States hardly invest in improving education quality
`Just 1% Of Funds Spent On Training Teachers'
For all the talk on
education quality and improving learning outcomes, little is actually
being done to achieve either. The Centre for Budget and Governance
Accountability (CBGA) and Child Rights and You (CRY) studied state
budgets for education in 10 general-category states and found that
allocations for measures, even statutory provisions for ensuring quality
-teacher training, monitoring, community mobilisation and training -are
close to negligible in education budgets. In fact, share of any of
these categories rarely rises beyond 1% in the education or Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) budget in any state.
“There is much discussion
on quality but governments are not investing in the systems responsible
for improving quality ,“ said Subrat Das of CBGA. The share of
teachertraining in the education budget doesn't rise above 1% in any of
the 10 states included in the analysis except Bihar, where it was 1.6%
in 2015-16 (budget estimate). Inspection and monitoring are similarly
neglected with their share crossing 1% in only Tamil Nadu and Odisha,
both 1.2%. The
study considered all 12 years of schooling. While there is huge
variation across states, perstudent expenditure is less than that of
relatively successful centrally-funded systems the Kendriya and
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (KVs and JNVs) -nearly everywhere.
More than 98% schools in the 10 states have formed school management
committees (SMCs). Mandated by the Right to Education Act 2009, these
are composed mainly of parents and communitymembers. In addition to
monitoring the functioning of
schools, the RTE also requires them to formulate school development
plans and clear school budgets. But, again, states have spent very
little on training them. The share of training SMCs and Panchayati Raj
Institutions (PRI) in the SSA budget was less than 1% in all 10 states
in 2014-15. Teachers' salaries do claim the largest chunk of the budget
in all 10 states. Their share ranges from 51.6% in Bihar to 80.4% in
Rajasthan. But, as Protiva Kundu from CBGA said, “The myth that
teachers' salaries take away all the
funds for education is not true.“ State governments, especially UP and
Maharashtra, spend significant amounts on non-government schools as
grants-in-aid and compensation for children enrolled in the 25% quota
for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Disadvantaged Groups (DG).
Education as a sector is under-funded, believe the organisations that authored the report. The per-student expenditure in public education in practically every general-category state is below that of KVs and JNVs.
Education as a sector is under-funded, believe the organisations that authored the report. The per-student expenditure in public education in practically every general-category state is below that of KVs and JNVs.
Source:Dec 23 2016 : The Times of India (NaviMumbai)